MIAC 2009 October 9 – 21

Opening Night: October 9 – 7 p.m.

Local: to be announced

Participant countries:  Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Italy, Israel, France.

Each country will be represented by 2 artists.

Submitted art works will be selected by French contemporary art specialist and curator Sophie Videment Dupouy, who will organize the multinational exhibit.


Dead line of submission of Artist Call Form: June 30, 2009

The completed and signed copy of the Artist Call Form must be sent by email or mailed to:

Adriana Sabino – President

Centro Cultural Brasil-USA da Flórida (CCBU)-

Email: [email protected] (please copy [email protected])

Phone: 305-376-8864

80 S.W. 80 Street. Suite 2600

Miami, FL 33130

(if mailed, form must be received by June 30 at CCBU).

Submission Fee: Free for CCBU members  –  $ 100.00 – Non-members

Representing Country: BRAZIL

THEME OF THE EXHIBIT: Enchanting the limits

ENCHANTING THE LIMITS: Exploring the border lines, may mean, for the artists, depicting the most enchanted sides of the world we live in, or, on the opposite, the darkest aspects of the tragedy of life. The limits explored might be geographical, mental, symbolic, spiritual; they can be about violence, sex, drug and rock n’roll, or happiness, absolute beauty and paradise.

Enchanting the limits may also mean to explore the formal limits of our eye perception, and those of the artistic concept of the art work itself.


Studio address:

Email address:

Phone number:

Art work #1: Title

Size (or duration):

Media: painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, video, sound, installation, other


Short description and link with “Enchanting the Limits”.

Cont. Artist Call Form

Art work #2: Title

Size (or duration):

Media: painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, video, sound, installation, other


Short description and link with “Enchanting the Limits”.

Please provide:

  • Artist biography
  • 1 or 2 texts about the artist’s work in general. The text can be extracted from a book, a newspaper article, or written by the artist himself or gallery owner
  • Pictures of the 2 art works (or, if video, a CD or web link)

Remark: MIAC has no insurance to cover the art works exhibited.

Artists may sell their works.

Signature of the Artist


fonte: ‘centro cultural’

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